novated leasing

Novated Leasing : A Leasing That Gives Ample of Advantages

Novated leasing is a nice way to get you a car of your choice and within your budget. It helps you in a comfortable transportation to and from your offices, picking the children to school and deliver at home safely. You can attend to any party or social function with a style; go for cinemas, night clubs or to any restaurant to treat your friends. You can do all your taking your own time and enjoying freedom.

The Market price of the luxury rental cars may make you disheartened of buying it. But Novated leasing would certainly encourage you to rent a car. It would be very rewarding for you if you are a salaried employee. A salaried employee gets tax benefits on hiring a car through Novated leasing. Hire companies deduct the monthly installment from your pre-tax salary. Hire companies require you to deposit a small amount of down payment and monthly payment at your own convenience.

Involvement of an employee, employer and the rental company is very necessary to rent a car through the Novated leasing. So, it is also called as the three-tier agreement. An employee who has hired a car through it can also continue hiring a car till an end of their term even if an employee changes the employer.

The plain truth about Novated leasing is, it provides you a facility to opt for the choicest car among a wide range of collections. You can select a well-furnished and affordable vehicle for your comfortable use. Hire cars are plenty in Malta and can be acquired through it at very affordable prices.